What the Hell is this?

Scroll down and you will see some Kinda what the "hell" type bird. (Look under the bottom fence post)...Again what the Hell is it?

Turkey Shoot anyone?

Turkey Shoot anyone?
I think this guy was running 4 cova- 2 days b4 Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Threader un pro fess sion all?

Oh so today is ova- And Funny I didn't hear from the AVEDA SPA here in Arvada- the hell of a threader made me late for my hair apt.Hell I was there well before an housr before my hair apt. and the Threader made me late?
My apt with her (the threader was a 11:30- Hair @ 12:15). And no mgmt called me today- what the hell is up with that?
All I can say is if you want a good threading then go to the Aveda Spa here on 64th. But if you want to be MORE close to a half hour behind... then there you go.
Hell, this Full Spa- never called me back today. and I have a coloring apt with Hillary on this next Sunday!
Do I go? (Hillary was great!) Seems like they care more for the threader then the stylists! Oh What the Hell?

1 comment:

  1. Oh YEAH- the Asst manager called me a couple of hours ago. What a Sweetie Girl.
    She understood my concern of me being delay over a half our with the threadest, making me late for my hair apt.
    She was more then Professional.
    I cant wait to See Hilary on Sunday for my coloring- I picked out so something- not any 40 should wear.
